Monday, June 20, 2016

Monday, June 20, 2016

Monday's Assignment

  1. Check out this FAQ.
    1. Write and record on 5 T/F statements, including the answers at the bottom of your post.
      1. Aboriginal peoples influence from  nature.
      2. They made the canoe and kayak with birch bark.
      3. The aboriginal society had three level and representative democracy.
      4. Aboriginal villages have been administered by council.
      5. In aboriginal society women are the teachers and administrators of the village's man.
    1. Write 3 questions you would like answers to.
      1. Where did aboriginal come to this continent ?
      2. When did they arrive in this continent ?
      3. How long do aboriginal peoples live in Canada ?
  1. Study the Vocabulary for Wednesday’s Presentation
    1. Select 10 or more hardest words from the lists.
    2. Create a crossword puzzle, and publish it with answers at the bottom of your post.

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